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Selecting the Right Advisor is Crucial

The Importance of a Good Fit

Financial advisors are not “one size fits all.” I want to be sure our relationship has the best possible chance of long-term success. If the following describes you, we are likely a good fit.

You are a financially established executive or retiree.

You are comfortable paying an annual fixed fee of $10,000-$15,000, based on the complexity of your unique situation.

You want to be involved in your financial decisions but want to leave the details to a trusted advisor.

You seek an advisor who promises to make every decision based solely on how it serves your best interests.

You want to tune out the Wall Street marketing machine and work with an advisor who can help you identify your most important goals and build a plan to achieve them.

You are looking for restful nights, knowing you have a plan in place that can render the market’s daily ups and downs virtually irrelevant to your future prosperity.

Why Me?

I have worked with dozens of current and former CEOs, CFOs, and other executives of Fortune 500 companies.

I am skilled at navigating your specific problems and issues, like 10b5-1 plans and 83(b) elections for executives, as well as Medicare IRMAA thresholds, qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from an IRA or 401(k), and cash flow planning for retirees.

Arbor Wealth Advisors is a “fiduciary” to you. This means that by choice and legal requirement, my investment advice and actions must be in your best interest. I’m obligated to disclose any conflicts of interest. Most brokers, banks and insurance agents aren’t fiduciaries. They can have undisclosed conflicts of interest, which they can resolve in a way that benefits them, as long as their recommendations are still “suitable” for you (even if those recommendations are not optimal).

I’m happy to focus on a limited number of close, personal relationships. I want and encourage clients to call me on my work or cell phone or e-mail me any time.

Member of Buckingham Strategic Partners

My firm is a member of Buckingham Strategic Partners, a community of nationwide independent like-minded wealth management firms located throughout the United States. As of December 31, 2023, Buckingham Strategic Partners oversees more than $40.1 billion of collective assets.

Buckingham Strategic Partners gives us extensive back office support and access to advisors, investment analysts, operations experts, practice management coaches and national thought leaders. With this support, I can focus on what I do best: working directly with you and helping you achieve your financial goals.

Bam Alliance PDF

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My Services